Mission trip program with UCESCO – Kenya

Where: Nairobi, Kenya, P.O.Box 48945-00100, (GPO)Nairobi, Kenya, Nairobi 254 Contact: Volunteers Service (UCESCO)- Kenya Contact Email: info@ucesco.orgucesco.2014gmail.com Contact Phone: 254726172393 Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited
  • This is a short-term volunteering opportunities to join meaningful cause to uplift disadvantaged people and communities. You provide your expertise, time, energy, and passion to make a tangible impact. This programs can be religious or Non-religious group trip; students’ trip or a professional trip where you can make a difference in short term.
  • Free medial camps for marginalized communities
  • Building medical clinic Mission trip
  • Building houses for the needy mission trip
  • Cleaning up litter mission trip (Forests, streets and streams clean ups to transform them to a better hygiene and environment.
  • Camping and team building mission trips.  
  • Culture exchange mission trip
  • Improving access to education mission trip
  • Community outreach mission trip in Kenya
  • Wildlife conservation Mission trip
  • Mission trip to promote farmers
  • Bringing clean water to poor community mission trip

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