Loans are rarely given to the poorer people in the community we are serving, as they have no collateral meaning that they struggle to find ways to escape the poverty trap. Micro-finance is a proven way of not creating millionaires, but increasing the standard of living for those who need the most help.
Bring your Business ideas, accounting or economics skills and contribute towards sustainable economic development by providing local individuals, groups and communities we are serving with the proper skills training and micro-loans to grow their businesses, create new jobs and help break the cycle of poverty and hunger
You will also help beneficiaries to create small business ideas, basic bookkeeping skills and conduct weekly workshops on topics related to micro-credit, computer literacy and vocation skills training, business plans, proposal writing, assisting the program directors, visiting the beneficiaries of the loans and interviewing communities that are part of the project. Depending on local needs, volunteers may also become involved in providing business consultations and training on opening savings accounts, running small businesses, evaluating loan applications, performing risk analyses, monitoring projects and overseeing repayment.