Clean up on Mt. Longonot National Park

Where: Nairobi, Kenya, P.O.Box 48945-00100, (GPO)Nairobi, Kenya, Nairobi 254 Contact: Volunteers Service (UCESCO)- Kenya Contact Email: [email protected] Contact Phone: 254726172393 Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

Mount Longonot National Park in Kenya characterizes the Great Rift Valley, with lakes and volcanic mountains and craters symbolizing this majestic feature tearing the continent apart. It is located 90km from Nairobi city and is a popular park for hiking and mountain climbing that takes less than 3-4hrs to climb up and down. We are inviting volunteers to join us in maintaining this beautiful mountain, to remain green, clean and well-demarcated to reduce accidents for climbers. Join us for as many days as possible, we tackle this problem together. This is our mission. We must act as the voice of the wider global climate crisis as cares and keepers of our sacred mountain environments and communities, ensuring that all future generations are able to enjoy and thrive within them.

On average, each climber generates in excess of 18 pounds of waste that includes abandoned tents, 02 canisters, food containers, discarded equipment and of course faucal matter. Pollutants from this waste are being washed into rivers by rainfall and snowmelt, contaminated water supplies for local populations posing serious health risks from disease

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