Because Only Together We Can

Build a path to sustainable growth for vulnerable populations

You can change someone's life

One of our projects at UCESCO Africa is taking care of children from 2 to 6 years old in marginalized urban slums.
Ordinarily, the parents leave the children at home alone while they work which is not safe. Most of these children have no access to food and or education.
As relates the campaign;

We take care of 460 children at the moment. Unfortunately we had to stop recruitment to the centers because we have run out of resources. We urge you, Dear Reader, to sponsor a child. A monthly grant of 50 dollars per month for your sponsored child will do wonders. We guarantee that your money will be spent for your child and make a difference in their life. You will be comforted knowing that the child is in safe hands, goes to school, s/he is not hungry and has clean clothes and shelter.

One of the most important ways an individual can make a lifelong difference to a child in our programs is through child sponsorship. By sponsoring a child, your financial support will directly help transform the life of a child.

This program provides critical financial and spiritual support for children served by well-wishers. The child will have an opportunity to eat at least 2 meals a day, meet their clothing needs, medical and educational needs, as well as support from the organization. This opportunity provides the sponsor with a personal relationship and connection with their child and to show them affection and love. We hope you will extend a helping hand and sponsor a child or two and God shall immensely bless you for in giving you receive.


As a sponsor, you choose a child via (visit Instagram ucescoafrica for details) pay 50 $ by the link and send the confirmation message and your WhatsApp number to e-mail [email protected] will receive confirmation from our Manager and a welcome video from the identified child.

After every two weeks you will receive progress updates on your child: how s/he is fairing and their wellbeing.

This is also a great opportunity to have a personal relationship with your child/children by writing and receiving letters. Most importantly when you travel over on a short-term mission trip, you will meet and interact with your child in person!


YES, $ 50  per month will keep one child in school, buy food and cater to their clothing needs.


 JUST $10 CAN SAVE A Girl, to get one workbook AND a 3-month supply of sanitary Pads. DONATE TODAY

All children deserve a chance to live life in all its fullness and education is a big part of that. When you invest in a girl, the dividends are immeasurable. Educated girls grow into women who are empowered to care for themselves, their families, and their communities. This is the best way to fight and alleviate poverty in  Kenya and Africa. This in addition promotes global stability. Advocates for girls warn of alarming increases in sexual violence, abusive relationships, and teen pregnancies. YOU can help save one girl in Kenya and make a difference today. Just $10 can help one girl to get one workbook AND  3-month supply of sanitary pads. The more you give, the more she will benefit. The utilization includes paying her school fees, buying her uniform, books and shoes. They also benefit by participating in UCESCO Africa life-Skill workshops, Career readiness trainings, and entrepreneurship seminars. UCESCO Africa in Kenya has already supported 230 girls in both primary and secondary Education. We however need to reach out more and provide for a larger number of girls. By donating today, you can join this massive effort to help pay a full year scholarship and providing the much-needed sanitary pads. 

Thank you so much for helping us work towards reaching the above goals and for changing someone’s life. You are a blessing!

Below are girls with different needs who need support to change their lives and brighten their futures. Sponsor a Child- Adopt a Girl.

She needs ; Workbook+ Sanitary Pads, Tuition Fee, Accommodation, Uniform & Shoes, Textbooks, Stationary, Scientific Calculator, Exam Fees, and Participation in UCESCO Empowerment Workshops.


Joining High School

She needs ; Workbook+ Sanitary Pads, Tuition Fee, Accommodation, Uniform & Shoes, Textbooks, Stationary, Exam Fees, and Participation in UCESCO Empowerment Workshops.



She needs ; Workbook+ Sanitary Pads, Tuition Fee, Accommodation, Uniform & Shoes, Textbooks, Stationary, Scientific Calculator, Exam Fees, and Participation in UCESCO Empowerment Workshops.


High School

She needs ; Workbook+ Sanitary Pads, Tuition Fee, Accommodation, Uniform & Shoes, Textbooks, Stationary, Scientific Calculator, Exam Fees, and Participation in UCESCO Empowerment Workshops.


High School

She needs ; Workbook+ Sanitary Pads, Tuition Fee, Accommodation, Uniform & Shoes, Textbooks, Stationary, Scientific Calculator, Exam Fees, and Participation in UCESCO Empowerment Workshops.



She needs ; Workbook+ Sanitary Pads, Tuition Fee, Accommodation, Clothes & Shoes, Textbooks, Stationary, Scientific Calculator, Exam Fees, and Participation in UCESCO Empowerment Workshops.


Joining University Of Nairobi

She needs ; (Workbook+ Sanitary Pads, Tuition Fee, Accommodation, Uniform & Shoes, Textbooks, Stationary, Exam Fees, and Participation in UCESCO Empowerment Workshops.


High School

She needs ; Workbook+ Sanitary Pads, Tuition Fee, Accommodation, Uniform & Shoes, Textbooks, Stationary, Exam Fees, and Participation in UCESCO Empowerment Workshops.



She needs ; Workbook+ Sanitary Pads, Tuition Fee, Accommodation, Uniform & Shoes, Textbooks, Stationary, Exam Fees, and Participation in UCESCO Empowerment Workshops.



She needs ; Workbook+ Sanitary Pads, Tuition Fee, Accommodation, Uniform & Shoes, Textbooks, Stationary, Exam Fees, and Participation in UCESCO Empowerment Workshops.



She needs ; Workbook+ Sanitary Pads, Tuition Fee, Accommodation, Uniform & Shoes, Textbooks, Stationary, Scientific Calculator, Exam Fees, and Participation in UCESCO Empowerment Workshops.



We need ; Workbook+ Sanitary Pads, Tuition Fee, Accommodation, Uniform & Shoes, Textbooks, Stationary, Exam Fees, and Participation in UCESCO Empowerment Workshops.




1. One workbook and 3-month supply of sanitary pads = $10

2. Sanitary Pads (a year supply) for 1 = $12

3. Buy school shoes for 1 girl = $30

4. Buy full School Uniform for one girl = $50

5. 10 Workbooks = $60

6. One term shopping of one girl= $90

7. 20 Workbooks = $100

8. 50 Workbooks = $250

9. 100 Workbooks = $500

10. $650 is needed every year for each girl to stay in school (covers Tuition fee, 1-year sanitary Pads supply, Shopping, uniform, books, shoes, and participating in UCESCO Africa life-Skill, Career readiness and entrepreneurship workshops.

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