Ucesco Projects

Together we can transform the lives of vulnerable in the society

UCESCO Africa Projects.

In Kenya, we run projects in the Kibera Slum, Mathare Slum, Kisii County, Samburu, Mombasa City, Maasai region and the Northeast.

We also run projects in other parts of Africa: Congo,  Rwanda, Uganda. 

UCESCO Africa has projects in the following segments:
1) Education.
2) Health and Sanitation.
3) Agriculture.

Impact Stories

Kyle, one of the beneficiaries of the School

“Now the School has 3 new classes which are almost complete. It is my hope that the Kitchen, latrines, and library will be improved with more comfortable desks, studying areas, playground, and more books for revision.”

A beneficiary recounts

“When GEM Wellington School family from United Arab Emirate (UAE) visited us, it was unfortunate that they witnessed the bad state our school was in, despite our tireless efforts to make it as presentable as possible”