From Mexico
Geraldine Corrales
A Product and Tech Director for a Startup dedicated to improving water access in emerging countries.

A French Citizen residing in Paris
Antoine Letessier
A Researcher Worked in high energy astrophysics and cosmology at the national French center of Research.

From Somalia , Mogadishu
Mariam Bulle
Early Childhood Consultant

He’s German, Living in Brazil
Johannes Regniet
Masters in Business Administration. A process Automatic Engineer

From Malawi
Mildred Chirwa
A Humanitarian and Development Professional (international Specialist)

From Switzerland
Rolf Claude
An Engineering Manager and Consultant in the field of aircraft and railway maintenance/design and engineering, life cycle management, innovation and organization development

From Ethiopia
Solomon Abebe
European Register of ECP Holders( ECP-R), An EMDR Therapist, Licensed Counselling Psychologist. Certified Trainer of Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy. A Researcher in Psychotherapy Science Founder and Managing Director of Hasset Psychotherapy and Training Centre.

From Johannesburg, South Africa.
Malcom Whitehouse
A Business Development and Compliance Manager for AST- Recycling- Africa. Diploma in Ministry and Christian Faith and Road Freight Management.

From Alabania
Valbona Cakeri
A financial Economist Graduate Worked for 26 years in a bank and Financial Institution

From Germany
Paulina Schulte-Vels
Psychology Bachelor and Business Economics Master

From United States of America
Cassandra Neitling
A graduate of Havard University with Masters in Biology A professor in Micro-Biology

From Paris, France.
Luciano Lebre
Former manager of UCESCO Africa in 2021. Sustainability consultant specialized in climate and energy issues. Certified Bilan Carbone®