Trees for life, join us, make local schools green, climb Mt Kenya

Where: Nairobi, Kenya, P.O.Box 48945-00100, (GPO)Nairobi, Kenya, Nairobi 254 Contact: Volunteers Service (UCESCO)- Kenya Contact Email: [email protected] Contact Phone: 254726172393 Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

Simply plant trees then get to climb Mt Kenya!! Help us in tree planting in various Schools and homes in Kenya

Trees provide oxygen and store carbon. They give humans fuel, food, medicine, building materials, the lungs of our planet, and more. And they shelter animals and anchor the soil. We are looking for volunteers in numbers to join us in planting trees in various schools and homes. You will also have an opportunity to climb/hike Mt Kenya and Mt Longonot in Kenya. Kindly book early!

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